Monday, July 21, 2008

Increase Your Blog Traffic With BlogRush

Traffic Equals Money
Let’s face it, without traffic it’s pretty hard for a blog to make any money. The more traffic you have, the more money you make. Everyone wants more traffic and we’re always looking for more ways to get it. Internet Marketing kingpin, John Reese, has came up a great way to help your blog get more traffic.

BlogRush is a “Cooperative Syndication Network” that rewards its users for their contributions to the network. BlogRush was designed to be incredibly viral and to provide its users with tremendous distribution leverage to receive exposure for their blog content that they could never achieve on their own; at least without a massive advertising budget.

The BlogRush Widget
By adding the BlogRush Widget to your blog, you get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs. BlogRush users earn “syndication credits” (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush.

Let’s say you run the BlogRush widget and your blog gets 1000 views per day. That means headlines from your blog will be viewed 1000 times on other blogs running the BlogRush widget. What’s more, if you refer another blog to the network and they do 1000 page views per day, you’ll get your headline shown another 1000 times. This goes down for ten generations. The following video will explain how the system works.

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