Monday, July 21, 2008

Blogrush is a scam

ust received an e-mail from BlogRush letting me know that I collaborated and worked to increase my account, for two months now, for nothing, and that Seopedia is not good enough for this crap network.

The mail souns like :

We regret to inform you that your BlogRush Account Is Currently INACTIVE.

Your blog(s) did not pass our Quality Review criteria. You will find instructions below for making your account active again.

You will notice that the widget no longer loads on your pages — please remove the BlogRush code from your blog for now.

We recently reviewed your blog(s) located at:

We determined that your blog did not meet our strict quality guidelines. Please do not take this personally, but realize that we must abide by a very strict set of quality guidelines. (They are listed below.)

If you feel you have made the necessary changes to your blog(s) to meet our guidelines, you can resubmit your blog(s) for review after this date:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The quality guidelines are :

BlogRush Quality Guidelines:

- The blog contains unique, quality content that provides opinions, insights, and/or recommended resources that provide value to readers of the blog. Articles, videos, public domain works, press releases, and content written by others are okay to be used on the blog, but the ratio of unique content should far outweigh content from other sources.

- The blog should be updated on a regular basis (at least several times a month) and should not just go a few months between posts.

- The blog should already contain at least 10-12 quality posts. New blogs with very little content will not be accepted.

- The blog’s primary contain must be in English. BlogRush is currently not available for non-English blogs.

- The blog should not contain an excessive amount of advertising and links and very little actual content. The focus of the blog should be quality content.

- The primary content of the blog should not be “scraped” content from other sources and/or script-generated pages for the sole purpose of search engine rank manipulation. The focus of the blog should be quality content.

- The blog’s content (or advertising) should not contain any of the following types of content: hate, anti-racial, terrorism, drug-related, hacking, phishing, fraud, pornographic, nudity, warez, gambling, copyright infringement, obscene or disgusting material of any kind, or anything considered illegal.

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